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DiscoverRicoh is empowering organisations to improve and transform work life, share content with powerful collaboration tools and access information from virtually anywhere, in any form.
Products and servicesCreate your ideal digital eco-system by combining Ricoh’s full range of products and solutions for the workplace.Find out more
FAQsQuick answers to common questions. Look for your solution in our frequently asked questions (FAQs), or try our comprehensive Knowledge Base to keep your business running.
About RicohRicoh imagines what the future could bring, and embraces change driven by imaginative thinking.Read more
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My deviceRequest installation of a new device, relocate existing devices or recycle existing devices. You can also request a settings change or extra print accessories for an existing device.
Empowering digital workplacesWe are empowering digital workplaces. Collaboration with coworkers is easier and the real-time exchange of ideas and information is a reality.
Contact usFor general inquiries about working with Ricoh, please find information to contact us here.Find out more
20th Anniversary
Ricoh (Philippines), Inc. celebrated its’ 20th Anniversary last September 2019 together with the presence of Ricoh Global President and CEO Mr. Yoshinori “Jake” Yamashita and Ricoh Asia Pacific Managing Director Mr. Kazuhisa Goto.
CSR Activities
Ricoh Philippines donates MFP to Masungi Georeserve
Digital Transformation
Ricoh Philippines is currently using Robotics Process Automation and Document Management Solutions to increase productivity and reduce cost
Internal Health and Wellness Program
Ricoh Philippines initiates activities and programs to promote healthy lifestyle for the employees and their families
RPH Cares for the environment
Ricoh Philippines initiates activities and programs to protect our environment
News & Events
Keep up to date
13 Mar
Ricoh named in “Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovators 2025” list
06 Mar
Ricoh ranked 39th in Carbon Clean200™ 2025 list
17 Feb
Ricoh selected as a member of the Sustainability Yearbook 2025 by S&P Global
14 Feb
Ricoh recognized with double ‘A’ score for climate action and water security leadership in CDP A List for two consecutive years